You can avail of this product if Life Assured is within ages 1 to 59.
You can avail of this product if Life Assured is a Filipino citizen, residing in the Philippines at the time of application.
You can avail of this product if Life Assured is in good health, must not have signs and symptoms related to Dengue and must not be diagnosed with Dengue at the time of sale.
Must not have had his/her consultation related to Dengue with a Physician prior to or within 14 days after Coverage Start Date.
You can be a Policyowner if you are at least 18 years old and you must own a credit or debit card under your name.
If the Life Assured is below 18 years old, the Policyowner shall confirm the information and health status of and agree to the Declaration of Understanding for and on behalf of said minor. The minor must be a child of the Policyowner.
You are given 15 days to cancel this policy from policy receipt date should your needs change. Immediately notify us through "PRUServices" in PULSE within this period and Pru Life UK will refund the premium you paid in full.
You are required to review the Terms & Conditions, which include the product exclusions, prior to purchase.